Thursday, March 15, 2012

Gourmet Candy Bar Cupcakes

About a month ago, Marie surprised our classroom with these decadent cupcakes! Marie is the Student Store instructor at my school. She has an awesome job!! She and her daughters made these cupcakes! Instructions are so simple, anyone can make these scrumptious treats!

Gourmet Candy Bar Cupcakes

1 box chocolate cake mix, plus
Ingredients required on box to make cupcakes

1 canister milk chocolate cake frosting

Fun size candy bars: snickers, Reese's, Milky Way, Etc..

Jumbo chocolate chips, for garnish


1. Line muffin pans with muffin liners and lightly grease with cooking spray, set aside.

2. Slice candy bars in half. Reserve one half of each bar for garnish after cupcakes are frosted.

3. Prepare cake mix as directed on box.

4. Fill a muffin cup 1/3 full with cake mix. Insert half piece of candy bar, and cover with 1/3 more cake mix. Continue with each muffin cup until all are filled.

*Note: To remember which flavor candy bar was placed in which muffin cup, color code the cups with different color muffin liners.

5. Bake as directed on back of cake mix box.

6. After cupcakes have completely cooled, pipe each with frosting.

7. Garnish each cupcake with the second half of each candy bar, sprinkle with jumbo chocolate chips, and enjoy!

Makes 24 cupcakes.

Source: Marie B., Central Cubs Student Store Instructor