Monday, July 18, 2011

Peach-Berry Bliss Smoothie

It’s nearly 11:30 a.m., and the summer heat is already nearing 100°F. BK and I are finally home from our morning of training, BK on the football field and I at the fitness center .   
As we drove home, our stomachs growled fiercely, craving something cool and refreshing. We dreamed up a smoothie concoction sweetened with a sweet-tart flavor of peaches and strawberries. Now to hurry down the country road to find refuge in our air-conditioned home.   
As soon as we pulled into the driveway I bolted for the kitchen to put my brain to work, in an effort to make a smoothie so good it boasts an explosion of thirst-quenching flavors.
This is what I came up with, hope you enjoy it!
Be safe and stay cool in this summer heat! Xoxo
Love to all,

Peach-Berry Bliss Smoothie
A SouthShore Ranch Original Recipe
Makes 4 Servings

2 Peaches
1-     6oz cup Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt
2 cups Ice
¾ cup Skim Milk
½ cup *Sparkling Peach Lemonade
(can substitute with orange or tangerine Juice)
3 Tablespoons Agave Nectar

Remove pits and slice peaches.
In a blender, combine peaches, yogurt, ice, milk and Sparkling Peach Lemonade (or Juice).
Place lid on blender and select liquefy setting, on high speed.
Blend until smooth; while machine is on, pour in Agave Nectar and blend an additional 30 seconds.

*Note: Sparkling Peach-Lemonade is a sugar-free, calorie-free soft drink and can be found in the seasonal or soft drink aisle at your local Walmart Store for about 68¢/2-Liter bottle.