Monday, January 17, 2011

I Blinked & January is Half Gone!

I thought I'd give this "Organization" thing another try. last year was a flop. I think I managed to construct two menus last year, and then low and behold I got lazy and my idea of creating structure in my life flew out the window with my sanity. That's saying I had any sanity at all, which in reality I have very little of.

So two weeks into the New Year and I finally sat down to plan January's Menu. There it is below if anyone feels the need to jump on my bandwagon and attempt to gain back any organizational skills we once possessed. (Or did we?)

Whoa!! Thank goodness Blogger saves my drafts every so often, because I hit the wrong button while attempting to post the menu and I was thrown completely out of the post! I think my laptop is possessed this evening. It's been acting crazy. 
Ok so there you have it, a printable January Menu. I even updated the same menu on the left sidebar for your convenience! Most of the recipes can be found here in the blog. On the right sidebar you will find Labels to find the recipes more easily. 

In my efforts to become more organized I plan to schedule different days out of my week to work on my blog, compose my posts and share my recipes, etc.  

I might as well take some time to back-date what has gone on in the past months. Like just last week I made this awesome Shaving Cream and Elmer's Glue Puffy Paint in school! Boy was it a blast!! I have a picture of me trying to eat it too!! I will post that next, but it will publish as though it came first only because I do plan to back-date the entry. Are you confused yet? Well, good, then you are on the same page as me!
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!!