Tuesday, January 12, 2010

All-American Kids love All-American Food

It's 5:00 p.m. and our tummies are growling. I begin to dig through the freezer while the wheels in my head are turning as I'm trying to decide which sounds better, "Parmesan Chicken? or Chicken Cordon Bleu?".  Hmm. . .  They both sound tasty.  Then Brian passes through and suggests, "How about some good 'ol Hotdogs with Mac & Cheese?".  Yeah right! The kids aren't going to want that! Then again, it is an easy fix! I decide to let the kids decide, thinking they will choose the chicken for sure. Well apparently we don't have Hotdogs with Mac 'n Cheese enough in this house because the whole gang cheered when they heard "Hotdogs" and "Mac & Cheese" put together in one sentence. So junk food it is! They're not hard to please tonight!

I slaved over a hot stove for 10 whole minutes this evening with a big smile on my face! haha! Yes my children are weird. You would think by the sound of their cheers that I was offering to take them out for Chinese or something! But alas they were more than thrilled to sit down to dinner for some All-American Ballpark Franks and Kraft Cheese & Macaroni!