Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Yesterday was to be my first day of PT (Physical Training). The only thing I managed to workout on was the head of my Chocolate Dove Reindeer that Santa left in my stocking! Hey, at least I put the poor guy out of his misery! I think . . . At least now he won't see his fate when I devour him later!

Unfortunately I didn't get a one hour workout this morning because the snooze button kept hitting itself, the kids were dragging out of their beds, and Beau was itching to be taken out of his crate. Time flies when that dang snooze button has a mind of its own. Imagine that! (I managed 30 minutes!) I promise I will force myself to make-up the lost time today after I get home from school. I can do this!!!! I think. . . . tehehehe!