Sunday, January 10, 2010

Oh Boy! . . . Family Chores

As the years have gone by I finally realized that I am no Supermom. I used to manage all the household duties, cook, soothe an ailing cold and run errands all by myself.  It was a breeze and I enjoyed it! Then again, I was a stay-at-home mom and college student. It was easy to keep the fort in order, make a full course meal and have enough time to catch a favorite sitcom after tidying up before bedtime.  I never had to worry about surprise visits from friends and family because my home was always spotless. People used to boast that my floors were so clean you could eat off of them! haha!

Then one day my daughters started growing up and thanks to the good Lord we added two wonderful teen sons to our family!

Instant parenthood of teens can be a bit of a challenge especially when your two new kids came from homes where the word "clean" was never part of their vocabulary,  Ha!  Baby steps had to be established to teach my two new sons the habit of good 'ol structure, organization and cleanliness. 

Having a well structured, organized home is very important to us, especially when you have one autistic child diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome who needs all the structure we can offer.   I too need structure and organization to function smoothly otherwise I tend to become overwhelmed and stressed.

 In 2007 we reintegrated our daughters into the public school system (we used to be homeschoolers), and the courts had finally awarded us custody our youngest son, life got ultra boring for me. I went stir-crazy in this big empty house with Brian and the kids gone to work and school so I decided that it was time for me to go back to work too!

When I leapt back into the work force organization seemed to have flown out the window.   Now Brian and I are working hard at trying to come up with a good plan of attack when it comes to divying up the chores. It becomes a bit of a challenge when the busy schedules of everyones extra-curricular activities get thrown into the mix!

I was so very thrilled to have found this wonderful website called Successful Family Chores! You will love this site! We are always looking for new inovative ways to make parenting easier and stress-free! Chore Charts are printing and I'm working on my weekly menu planning! It's been years since I last used the menu planners and I'm excited be using them again!!